The first Spanish Short Wave Stations: Development of radio & TV technology
The first Spanish Short Wave Stations: Development of radio & TV technology
In the thirties in Spain there were three big Short Wave Stations. One, belonging to Transradio Española in Aranjuez, 50 kilometers south of Madrid, which rendered radiotelegraphic services to the Canary Islands, Europe and America. Another, belonging to the Sociedad Anónima Radio Argentina (via Radiar), in Vallecas, on the outskirts of Madrid, also rendered radiotelegraphic services. The third belonged to the company Telefónica Nacional de España (CTNE), in Pozuelo del Rey, 50 kilometers east of Madrid provided radiotelephonic services to New York and Buenos Aires. In 1932, Aranjuez started broadcasting the programming of “EAQ-Madrid Radiodifusion Iberoamericana” directed to Spanish speaking countries. During the Civil War it became the Spanish Republican overseas broadcasting station. However, in 1937 as a result of the Battle of Jarama, Aranjuez became cut off from Madrid and the transmissions and call signs were transferred to the Vallecas transmitter EDZ using the call-sign EAQ-2.


  • Autor/es: José María Romeo López
  • Fecha de edición: 2010
  • Publicado en : 2010 Second Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Communications
  • Idioma: Inglés

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