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FARADAY, Michael: The Faraday Centenary Exhibition


1930 | Electrotecnia | FARADAY

At the Faraday Exhibition

Mostrar el artículo del IEE Journal (november, 1931)

Personaje: FARADAY, Michael.

Full titles read: "Michael Faraday - Filmed at the Faraday Exhibition, London. No country can take from the British race the credit due to Faraday, the pioneer of electricity today."

London, 1931.

Various shots of exhibits at the Faraday Exhibition: schoolboys crowd around a white statue (not sure who or what this is meant to be); an electric 'bolt' illuminates a black background; the word 'Faraday' is seen in a neon light. Some men recreate Michael Faraday's original experiment in which he discovered electricity.

Schoolboys watch as machine generates artificial lightning. A man sits inside a cage and is free of an electric charge around the cage; pieces of paper on the outside and an electroscope stand out horizontally from the charge. Another experiment shows the effect of induced currents; an alternating current around a magnet repels a metal ring, making it fly up into the air. A hammer attached to the magnet and the ring circles the hammer handle.

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