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The transmission system of "frequency modulation" (transmission by variation of the frequency of the radiated wave) is mathematically analyzed, and the width of the band of frequencies occupied by this method of transmission at a given speed is compared with the width of the corresponding band for transmission by amplitude variation. It is proved that the frequency modulation system using a spacing or compensating wave is inferior to the amplitude variation system both as to the width of the frequency band occupied and as to distortion of signal wave form.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
Artículo que trata de la modulación de frecuencia analógica desde el punto de vista matemático y por primera vez en la literatura técnica hace una comparación sobre el comportamiento de la modulación de frecuencia versus la modulación de amplitud obteniendo conclusiones bajo varios puntos de vista: ancho de banda, distorsión, etc.



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