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Ítems etiquetados con IRE

The Dynatron: A vacuum tube possessing negative electric resistance

Notes on the theory of modulation

The super-heterodyne: its origin, development, and some recent improvements

Electrical disturbances apparently of extraterrestrial origin

Description of an experimental television system and the kinescope

A method of reducing disturbances in radio signaling by a system of frequency modulation

Automatic tuning, simplified circuits, and design practice

Transmission theory of plane electromagnetic waves

A wide-band inductive-output amplifier

Theory of antennas of arbitrary size and shape

Formulas for the skin effect

Noise figures of radio receivers

A note on a simple transmission formula

The traveling-wave tube as amplifier at microwaves

Radio propagation at frequencies above 30 megacycles

  • Autor/es: K. Bullington.
  • Fecha: 1947-10
  • Contribución: José María Hernando Rábanos.
  • Palabras clave: Tecnología de comunicaciones
  • Publicado en: Proceedings of the IRE (Volume: 35, Issue: 10, Oct. 1947, Pages: 1122-1136).

The radiation resistance of an antenna in an infinite array or waveguide

The philosophy of PCM

Communication in the presence of noise

The helical antenna

Theoretical limitations on the rate of transmission of information

Notes on digital coding

  • Autor/es: Marcel J. E. Golay.
  • Fecha: 1949-06
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Teoría de la información
  • Publicado en: Proceedings of the IRE (Volume: 37, Issue: 6, June 1949, Page: 657, as correspondence).

Pulse modulation

Information theory and the design of radar receivers

A method for the construction of minimum redundancy codes

Optimum Filters for the Detection of Signals in Noise

  • Autor/es: L.A. Zadeh, J.R. Ragazzini.
  • Fecha: 1952-10
  • Contribución: Aníbal Figueiras.
  • Palabras clave: Proceso de señal
  • Publicado en: Proceedings of the IRE (Volume: 40, Issue: 10, Oct. 1952, Page(s): 1223-1231).
  • Ver en IEEE.ORG

A unipolar "Field-Effect" transistor

What is network synthesis?

Theory of radar information

Estimation of signal parameters in the presence of noise

  • Autor/es: D. Slepian.
  • Fecha: 1954-03
  • Contribución: Aníbal Figueiras.
  • Palabras clave: Proceso de señal
  • Publicado en: Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory (Volume: 3, Issue: 3, March 1954, Page(s): 68-89).
  • Ver en IEEE.ORG

Error-free coding

Communication theory and cybernetics

A study of rough amplitude quantization by means of Nyquist sampling theory

  • Autor/es: B. Widrow.
  • Fecha: 1956-12
  • Contribución: Aníbal Figueiras.
  • Palabras clave: Proceso de señal
  • Publicado en: IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory (Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Dec 1956), pp. 266-276.

Synchronous communications

Probability of detection for fluctuating targets

A statistical theory of target detection by pulsed radar

Optical data processing and filtering systems

  • Autor/es: L. Cutrona, E. Leith, C. Palermo, L. Porcello.
  • Fecha: 1960-06
  • Contribución: Miguel Ángel Muriel Fernández.
  • Palabras clave: Láseres y electroóptica, Proceso de señal
  • Publicado en: IRE Transactions on Information Theory (Volume: 6, Issue: 3, June 1960, Pages: 386-400).

An introduction to matched filters

Cyclic codes for error detection

  • Autor/es: W. W. Peterson; D. T. Brown.
  • Fecha: 1961-01
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Teoría de la información
  • Publicado en: Proceedings of the IRE (Volume: 49, Issue: 1, Jan. 1961, Pages: 228-235).

Low-density parity-check codes

Summary of the history of circuit theory


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