Mostrar nube de etiquetas

The paper describes a visual direct-reading radiogoniometer capable of indicating the apparent azimuth of arrival of wave-trains the durations of which need not exceed 0·001 sec. The special properties of the device, which comprises essentially a combination of directional aerials with a cathode-ray oscillograph, are discussed. Amongst these properties is that of giving simultaneous bearings on two or more stations transmitting simultaneously on the same wave-length. A typical installation is described, and specimens of observations on the distribution in azimuth of received atmospheric disturbances are shown. A possible solution of the problem of navigational beacons is suggested.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
Articulo donde aparece el gran avance realizado en los años 20 del siglo XX de la radiogoniometría en tiempo real. Se considera en el artículo que sería una posible solución al uso de radiofaros para facilitar la navegación marítima y luego aérea. Se describe un equipamiento experimental con osciloscopios y sistemas radiantes capaces de indicar el posicionamiento aproximado de una nave o aeromóvil.



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