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This paper is concerned with a systematic approach to the design of the "linear channel" of a repeater for a digital fiber optic communication system. In particular, it is concerned with how one properly chooses the front-end preamplifier and biasing circuitry for the photodetector; and how the required power to achieve a desired error rate varies with the bit rate, the received optical pulse shape, and the desired baseband-equalized output pulse shape. It is shown that a proper front-end design incorporates a high-impedance preamplifier which tends to integrate the detector output. This must be followed by proper equalization in the later stages of the linear channel. The baseband signal-to-noise ratio is calculated as a function of the preamplifier parameters. Such a design provides significant reduction in the required optical power and/or required avalanche gain when compared to a design which does not integrate initially. It is shown that, when the received optical pulses overlap and when the optical channel is behaving linearly in power, 1 baseband equalization can be used to separate the pulses with a practical but significant increase in required optical power. This required power penalty is calculated as a function of the input and equalized pulse shapes.

Notas/Comentarios de J.A.Delgado-Penín:
Este trabajo tiene dos partes publicadas. Ambos son artículos pioneros sobre transmisión digital de un extremo a otro extremo por fibras ópticas multimodo. En esta primera parte se hace un estudio desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la comunicación para una fibra multimodo y donde se considera un modelo de canal lineal (se calcula la capacidad del canal) y se plantea el diseño de un receptor para este tipo de fibras. Se realizan un conjunto de cálculos de tasa de error vs razón señal/ruido por primera vez en comunicaciones ópticas sobre soporte físico fibra multimodo.


  • Autor/es: S. D. Personick.
  • Fecha: 1973-07
  • Publicado en: The Bell System Technical Journal (Volume: 52, Issue: 6, July-Aug. 1973, Pages: 843-874).
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Formato: PDF
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Láseres y electroóptica, Tecnología de comunicaciones

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