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The principles underlying automatic frequency control of the oscillator in superheterodyne receivers have been outlined in previous papers given before the Institute of Radio Engineers. This paper deals with simplification and improvements in operation of frequency control circuits and their application to automatic (electronic) tuning control. A new type of "discriminator" which differentiates between mis-tuned signals on the high-frequency side of resonance and those on the low-frequency side is described and its operation demonstrated by means of a visual frequency indicator. The operation of the discriminator is such that it may be used to supply audio-frequency components corresponding to the amplitude modulations of the received carrier wave and automatic volume control potentials as well as the control voltage for the frequency control circuits. This multifunction is described and illustrated. Alternative circuit connections to improve the compromise between discriminator sensitivity, audio fidelity, and selectivity are explained and illustrated. The use of vacuum tubes in such manner that they act as reactive components and the manner in which their apparent reactive impedance may be controlled by varying the tube parameters is demonstrated. The action of a complete receiver embodying automatic (electronic) tuning control in overcoming mis-tuning and oscillator frequency drift will be demonstrated.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
Artículo histórico que describe el principio de funcionamiento de lo que hoy se conoce como discriminador Foster/Seeley en la demodulación de señales moduladas en frecuencia (FM) para receptores analógicos de gran consumo (bandas de 88 a 108 MHz).


  • Autor/es: D.E. Foster; Stuart W. Seeley.
  • Fecha: 1937-03
  • Publicado en: Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers (Volume: 25, Issue: 3, March 1937, Pages: 289-313).
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Formato: PDF
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Circuitos y sistemas, Dispositivos electrónicos

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