Mostrar nube de etiquetas

Circuitos y sistemas

Die Anwendung komplexer Größen in der Elektrotechnik (The application of complex algebra in electrical engineering)

Telegraph transmission

The Dynatron: A vacuum tube possessing negative electric resistance

The effect of a uniform magnetic field on the motion of electrons between coaxial cylinders

The magnetron

Physical theory of the electric wave-filter

Theory and design of uniform and composite electric wave-filters

A reactance theorem

Die verwirklichung von wechselstromwiderständen vorgeschriebener frequenzabhängigkeit

A study of the regular combination of acoustic elements, with applications to recurrent acoustic filters, tapered acoustic filters, and horns

Ultra High Frequency oscillators

  • Autor/es: Andrew Vasily Haeff.
  • Fecha: 1932-01
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Circuitos y sistemas, Dispositivos electrónicos
  • Publicado en: Tesis Doctoral defendida en el California Institute of Technology de Pasadena, California, USA, en enero de 1932.

Regeneration theory

A general theory of electric wave filters

A method of reducing disturbances in radio signaling by a system of frequency modulation

La théorie des matrices et la propagation des ondes

Automatic tuning, simplified circuits, and design practice

A symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits

A high frequency oscillator and amplifier

Transmission line calculator

A wide-band inductive-output amplifier

Relations between attenuation and phase in feedback amplifier design

Electrical and mechanical analogies

Formulas for the skin effect

Noise figures of radio receivers

A note on a simple transmission formula

The traveling-wave tube as amplifier at microwaves

The ratio detector

A unipolar "Field-Effect" transistor

What is network synthesis?

Communication theory and cybernetics

Synchronous communications

Summary of the history of circuit theory

An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs

Phase-Locked Loops

The development of frequency-response methods in automatic control

Models and "black boxes": Mathematics as an enabling technology in the history of communications and control engineering


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