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Sequences for Spread Spectrum Multiplexing Linear shit register sequences (see Zierler and Gold) have found extensive applications in spread spectrum communication systems. The binary sequences generated by shit register devices serve as the encoding mechanism of such systems which, when added to the baseband information, results in a wideband lowpower-density signal which has statistical properties similar to noise. The casual listener is thus denied access to the baseband information which can be recovered from the wideband signal only through correlation with a stored reference sequence in the receiver which is an exact replica of the original encoding sequence. The usefulness of the maximal linear sequences n spread spectrum communications depends in large part on their ideal autocorrelation properties.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
Secuencias pseudoaleatorias con unas características de autocorrelación que las hacen muy idóneas como señales de sincronización en comunicaciones digitales. Son de gran utilidad en los sistemas CDMA y otros de espectro ensanchado.



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