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This work contains a theoretical study and computer simulations of a new self-organizing process. The principal discovery is that in a simple network of adaptive physical elements which receives signals from a primary event space, the signal representations are automatically mapped onto a set of output responses in such a way that the responses acquire the same topological order as that of the primary events. In other words, a principle has been discovered which facilitates the automatic formation of topologically correct maps of features of observable events. The basic self-organizing system is a one- or two-dimensional array of processing units resembling a network of threshold-logic units, and characterized by short-range lateral feedback between neighbouring units. Several types of computer simulations are used to demonstrate the ordering process as well as the conditions under which it fails.

Notas/Comentarios de Juan Ignacio Godino:
En este artículo Kohonen propone la idea de los Mapas Autoorganizativos (SOM). Un SOM es una técnica de aprendizaje automático no supervisada que permite una representación de un conjunto de datos de gran dimensión en un espacio de baja dimensionalidad (generalmente en un espacio bidimensional), a la vez que preserva la estructura topológica de los datos. Un SOM es un tipo de red neuronal artificial, pero se entrena mediante aprendizaje competitivo en lugar de utilizar aprendizaje por corrección de errores. El concepto de SOM se propone inicialmente en el trabajo reseñado y se elabora en mayor detalle en: T. Kohonen. "Analysis of a simple self-organizing process". Biol. Cybern., 44:135-140, 1982.



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