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Silicon n-p-n junction transistors have been made from rate-grown single crystals. Using gallium and antimony as doping agents, single crystals of n-type silicon have been grown containing up to five p-regions from 0.0005 to 0.002 inches wide which are suitable for the production of transistors. The ohmic contact to the p-type base region was made by alloying an aluminum wire using techniques similar to those employed in the fabrication of aluminum-silicon diodes. The electrical evaluation of n-p-n transistors produced from these single crystals is described. Alphas in excess of 0.9 at -1 ma emitter current have been obtained, and collector saturation currents of 10-6ampere/cm2 are common. With base-layer widths of about 0.0005 inch, the alpha cutoff occurs at approximately 5 megacycles. The units (approximately 0.04×0.04×0.5 inches in size) have been operated at power levels in excess of 1.5 watts in air with no special provision for heat dissipation.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
Artículo pionero sobre el microchip con base de silicio desarrollado en Bell Labs a mediados de los años 50 del siglo pasado, Tanenbaum y colaboradores demostraron que el silicio era un mejor material semiconductor para transistores que el germanio. Su descubrimiento allanó el camino para transistores más eficientes. Posteriormente, Tanenbaum desarrolló el primer transistor de silicio con difusión de gas, que podía amplificar y conmutar señales por encima de 100 MHz a una velocidad de conmutación 10 veces mayor que la de los transistores de silicio anteriores.


  • Autor/es: M. Tanenbaum; L. B. Valdes; E. Buehler; N. B. Hannay.
  • Fecha: 1955-06
  • Publicado en: Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 26, Issue 6, p.686-692. June 1955.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Formato: PDF
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Circuitos de estado sólido, Dispositivos electrónicos

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