Mostrar nube de etiquetas

Geociencia y teledetección

Electrical disturbances apparently of extraterrestrial origin

Information theory and the design of radar receivers

Theory of radar information

Probability of detection for fluctuating targets

A statistical theory of target detection by pulsed radar

The theory and design of chirp radars

Theory of Adaptive Radar

Information theory and radar waveform design

Climatological characterization of three-dimensional storm structure from operational radar and rain gauge data

Multifrequency radar signals

Modelling ground penetrating radar by GprMax

Cognitive radar: a way of the future

MIMO radar with widely separated antennas

A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar

A survey on fundamental limits of integrated sensing and communication

Passive radar: past, present and future challenges


Foro Histórico

de las Telecomunicaciones


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C/ Almagro 2. 1º Izq. 28010. Madrid
Teléfono 91 391 10 66
logo AEIT Horizontal
C/ General Arrando, 38. 28010. Madrid
Teléfono 91 308 16 66

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