In processing continuous-time signals by digitalmeans, it is necessary to represent the signal by a digital sequence. There are many ways other than periodic sampling for obtaining such a sequence. The requirements for such representations and some examples are discussed within the framework of simulating linear time-invariant systems. The representation of digital sequences by other digital sequences is also discussed, with particular emphasis on the use of such representations to implement a nonlinear warping of the digital frequency axis. Some applications and hardware implementation of this digital-frequency warping are described.
- Autor/es: A.V. Oppenheim; D.H. Johnson.
- Fecha: 1972-06
- Publicado en: Proceedings of the IEEE (Volume: 60, Issue: 6, June 1972). Page(s): 681-691.
- Idioma: Inglés
- Formato: PDF
- Contribución: Aníbal Figueiras.
- Palabras clave: Proceso de señal