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A new circuit for FM detection known as the ratio detector is coming into wide use. In this circuit two frequency- sensitive voltages are applied to diodes and the sum of the rectified voltages held constant. The difference voltage then constitutes the desired AM signal. This means of operation makes the output insensitive to amplitude variations. The basic principles governing the operation and design of the ratio detector are described. The ratio between the primary and secondary components of the frequency-sensitive voltages in a phase-shift type of ratio detector is a function of the instantaneous signal amplitude. The AM rejection properties, however, are shown to depend upon the mean ratio between these voltages. An expression which is developed for this ratio in terms of the circuit parameters provides the basis for arriving at an optimum design. The measurements necessary in the design of a ratio detector and in checking its performance are described.

Notas/Comentarios de José A. Delgado-Penín:
En este artículo pionero para la circuitería de los subsistemas de recepción de señales FM se presenta un nuevo esquema de demodulador que prometía mejores prestaciones que el discriminador de 'Foster-Seeley' (a veces se considera que el 'Ratio Detector' es una variante del discriminador de Foster-Seeley). El coautor S.W. Seeley es también el inventor del discriminador que lleva su nombre.


  • Autor/es: Stuart W. Seeley, Jack Avins.
  • Fecha: 1947-06
  • Publicado en: RCA Review, Vol. 8, Nº 2, Jun 1947. Pags. 201-236
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Formato: PDF
  • Contribución: José Antonio Delgado-Penín.
  • Palabras clave: Circuitos y sistemas, Dispositivos electrónicos

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