In this paper, we present a practical process to obtain bifacial Si solar cells. These cells are made using p/sup +/nn/sup +/ structure on high-medium base resistivity, continuous emitters and with a process that maintains high bulk minority carrier lifetime. Efficiencies of 19.1% and 18.1% are achieved under standard conditions when the cell is illuminated by n/sup +/n high-low junction and when it is illuminated by p/sup +/n junction, respectively. We show that the n/sup +/n high-low junction provides a higher current density and a good ratio between generated current of each face is found to be of about 103%.
Notas/Comentarios de Antonio Luque López:
La célula solar bifacial.
La célula solar bifacial.
- Autor/es: A.Moehlecke; I.Zanesco; A.Luque.
- Fecha: 1994-12
- Publicado en: Proceedings of 1994 IEEE 1st World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion - WCPEC (A Joint Conference of PVSC, PVSEC and PSEC)
- Idioma: Inglés
- Formato: PDF
- Contribución: Antonio Luque López.
- Palabras clave: Dispositivos electrónicos, Ingeniería eléctrica y energía